- April 24, 2019
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It all started on April 24th 2013, when the building known as Rana Plaza collapsed in Dhaka (Bangladesh) killing more than 1000 people, all employed in textile factories.
All that worker were employed in fast fashion industry and used to produce low-cost clothes in dramatically unsafe conditions.
The tragedy of the Rana Plaza somehow brought to light the degradation in which the textile workers in underdeveloped countries were forced to work.
The Rana Plaza became in fact the symbol of that exploitation that lies behind the low prices of low-cost brands.
Fashion Revolution is spontaneous international movement founded after the Rana Plaza tragedy with the ambition of increasing awareness around fashion worker’s conditions; it pushes for fashion brands to be more transparent and fair in garanteering worker’s conditions.
It organizes various awareness-raising international events. The most important is undoubtedly the Fashion Revolution Week, around April 24, to remember the Rana Plaza tragedy and pushing fashion brands to join sustainable value chains.
How to take part in Fashion Revolution week?
The Fashion Revolution Week is an opportunity for each of us to ask fashion brands for better transparency along the production chain.
What Fashion Revolution invites you to do is very simple: take a photo of the label of your garments, tag the brand and ask: “who made my clothes?”
For this year’s Fashion Revolution Week, Eticlò is going to share via social medias everything behind the production of its garments.
Follow our social media to find out more!